Sunday, December 28, 2014

Top Four Reasons Diets Don't Work (and what does)

Are You Still On That Diet You Resolved to Go on Last New Year's? 

Don't Feel bad- I can't think of a single person who is.

In fact, studies show that 89% of people who start a new diet for the new year, end up abandoning it just a few months later. 

But why is this so?
Everyone wants to change their body and life for the better, so why can 't we stick to the diets we vow we are going to follow? Here are a few reasons I've come up with in my personal experience and in my experience working with my clients:

1. Because diets don't address the mental and emotional components that come along with losing weight. They provide no tools to address emotional eating and therefore, when life gets hard or presents challenges (which it inevitably will), most emotional eaters have no idea how to cope without food, therefore, the diet is not sustainable.

2. Because diets have rules or "good" & "bad" foods which promotes black and white thinking and behavior. When we eat a food that falls in the "bad" foods category, it tends to make us binge for the rest of the day since we've "blown it" anyway.

3. Diets make us feel like crap about ourselves. When we eat foods off our diets we label ourselves as "bad" or we say things like "I was bad today, I ate nachos instead of salad at lunch". Food is food and we shouldn't label our character by the food we eat. If you are a good person- you are a good person, regardless of whether you chose salad or nachos for your lunch.

4. Diets don't address the fact that everyone has different genetic makeup, backgrounds, and lifestyles. Everyone needs to eat differently. You need tools to help you figure out what your body needs.

Our new program, Happy, Healthy, & Hot Coaching addresses all the components that diets do not. With a Health Coach Designed e-course on Eating & Exercise, a personalized Virtual Style Session, and a Self-Esteem Bootcamp, HHH will address all of the elements that diets fail to address.

Just think- after taking embarking on our program, this time next year, you won't be scrambling around looking for the latest diet trends to follow for the New Year. You'll know exactly what to eat, how to move, dress and think to keep you looking and feeling fabulous all year long.

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