Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Realistic Self-Care for Women (No, this is not another "take a bubble bath" blog)

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Self-Care is a subject that has been popping up a lot lately. Everyone talks about it, or tells their friends in passing that they need to "take better care of themselves" but no one seems to really know how or what that means. Many of the Self-Care blogs I've read give you lists of items like take a warm bubble bath with rose peddles, brush your skin, practice oil pulling, etc., etc. But who wants to pick out soggy rose peddles from their tub the next morning, clean up dead skin cells, or try to stifle a gag reflex while swishing oil between their teeth?

And who has time to do all that at 9pm when the kids are finally asleep, dishes are done, your husband's drunk on the couch watching sports, and you want nothing more than to crawl into bed and watch The Voice?

This is where I've found many Self-Care ideas to be a nice thoughts, but totally unrealistic for everyday life. At least in the ways that I have seen being suggested. However, Self-Care is totally necessary to live a happy, fulfilling life. If you don't consciously take care of yourself, you will find yourself unconsciously taking care of yourself in other ways, like polishing off an entire bag of chips in the dark at 1:00am (to keep company the bottle of Skinny Girl Margaritas you slugged down earlier).

My version of Self-Care is a bit less glamorous, but a lot easier to pull off in daily life. Here are my top 5 tips for DOABLE everyday Self-Care techniques & activities:

1. Put on a jacket when it's cold outside. I can't tell you how many times I've spent an hour making sure my son is dressed, pressed, and ready for the day, yet I can barely seem to throw on a pair of flip flops in a winter storm. On more than one occasion, I've been late because I've wanted to make sure my son had a jacket, hat, booties, and gloves. Then I get into the car, and realize I'm not even close to being prepared for the blizzard outside. In fact, I usually don't even have a jacket on! If you wouldn't let your child out of the house without a jacket- you shouldn't let yourself out without a jacket! In other words- treat yourself like you would treat your offspring!! That goes for sunscreen, hats and sunglasses, with the coming warm weather too! Turn around and go back to the house if you forgot something for yourself, just the way you would do for your child.

2. Eat good/warm food. There has been many-a-mealtime when I've gotten everybody in the family (including my two dogs) food before serving myself. By the time I get to serving myself, my food is cold and I don't even take the time to heat it up again! What's up with that? Sometimes I even give myself the most burnt piece of chicken or, worse yet, the piece that fell on the floor! This is NOT SELF-CARE! Give yourself a plate of beautiful, hot, healthy, un-burnt food, just as you would give to the other members of your family.

3. Smile at your reflection. Whether you are walking by a coffee shop window or catch a glimpse of your face in the bathroom mirror while washing your hands, smile at yourself! Give yourself the same toothy, loving grin that you would give a small child. If no one is around, say something like "you look so hot today" or "I am so proud of you". Even if you don't feel like smiling or saying something nice to yourself, do it anyway, it will eventually become as natural and automatic as it is when you see a cute baby. You are a perfect, divine, unique creation that should be celebrated by everyone around you, including and especially YOU.

4. Don't get stale with your daily routine. Give yourself a choice about the (seemingly) little things each day. For instance, buy sexy colorful undies (or, even better, day of the week undies!) Buy several flavors of natural toothpaste and choose a new one each day. If you drink tea each morning buy every flavor you love and ask yourself, "am I going to have a Smooth Mint kind of day, or is it a Green Hibiscus day?" Switch up your gym routine each time you go by doing Yoga one day, and then Spinning class the next. Sit on a different side of the lunch table, or go outside to eat on sunny days. You can 'switch it up' with packs of gum, sunglasses, radio stations, watches, jewelry, condiments, hair accessories, fruits, veggies, socks, lipsticks, workouts, you name it. It really is the little things that will brighten your mood and give you more control throughout the day.

5. Read your junk-food novel or magazine, play your junk-food iPod game, or watch your junk-food TV show every night (or day, depending on your schedule). Skip the bubble bath (unless you love them) and engage in a bit of junk! I'm not talking about a 1200 calorie rendezvous with the Keebler Elves. Excuse yourself for 30-60 minutes every day or night and allow yourself to indulge, YOU-Style. If it's a few minutes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, throw it on- no judgement here. If you have waited several days to make your move in Words With Friends (people still play that game- right?), now's the time to get to it. Grab your reading glasses, a comfy spot in your bed, and devour this month's copy of People Magazine! Anything you like- give yourself the pleasure of doing it without apologies and without interruptions. "Sorry Joey- Mommy's having her Candy Crush time, and if you interrupt me again during Candy Crush time, you'll be sleeping with the neighbor's new Pitt Bull- Love You!"

So, as you can see, Self-Care is not as hard to practice as we previously thought, and it is VITAL to achieving a healthy self-image and self-esteem. Without that, life can seem boring and sad. Hopefully these tips will help you weave Self-Care practices into your everyday routine so you can have a more joyful & fulfilling existence.

What ways to you weave Self-Care into your day? Leave a comment below about your unique Self-Care ideas and tips!

Coach Maureen
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