Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What My 2-Year-Old Can Teach Us About Mindful Eating

In the past couple months, my husband & I have been working hard to potty train our 2-year-old boy. It's going a lot slower than either of us imagined. We've finally resorted to the 'Bribery Method'. Even though my fellow Health Coaches and Health Practitioners would probably give us a slap on the wrist, it seems to be working splendidly in our favor. We give my son a gummy fish for going  #1 and for #2, he (appropriately enough) gets a small bite-sized chocolate bunny leftover from his Easter Basket. 

While he has been eating several gummy fish each day, in exchange for his accomplishments, his chocolate bunny consumption hasn't even begun (if you catch my drift). 

So, you can imagine both of our excitement when he earned his first chocolate bunny just the other afternoon! 

As I showered him with praise, high fives, & kisses, I handed him the small chocolate bunny. Thinking he would gobble it all up in one bite, I went to the kitchen to grab some water for some post-bunny hydration. 

When I came back, what I witnessed was very interesting…

He had carefully unwrapped the bunny and was smelling & admiring the chocolate, without even taking a bite yet! His eyes were wide open as he put the bunny to his mouth…and licked it. Then he pulled it back & looked at it again.

He then brought it back to his mouth and took a small bite, chewed it slowly, and admired it again as he was chewing. 

It was as if he was a little Scientist testing out the hypothesis that, "Chocolate Bunnies are indeed the most delicious food on Earth". 

I half expected him to whip out a notepad and take notes.

He then increased the length of time between bites, but not the chewing speed. He savored every last morsel as it melted down his stubby fingers.

It took him about 20 minutes to finally finish this tiny chocolate rabbit. By then, I had places to go, so I made him finish the bunny in his car seat.

This is what he looked like Post-Bunny:

Chocolate all over the place!!!

Did he enjoy his chocolate bunny? You betcha.

Should we as Adults eat all of our own treats like this? Absolutely. 

Next time you treat yourself to a-less-than-healthy indulgence, pretend you are a 2-year-old experiencing it for the very first time. Savor it as if it's the best food you've ever had. Be a Scientist and take mental notes about how the food feels, looks, smells & tastes.

Enjoy the food so much, that you need several wet wipes to clean yourself up with afterwards.

What foods will you eat like a 2-year-old?

Leave a comment below and tell me what foods you've enjoyed like a 2-year-old, & how it felt to eat them in such a unique way.

Wishing you health and happiness,
Coach Maureen
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