Monday, July 14, 2014

And Then My Car Got Broken Into…

Everything was going great…

And then my car got broken into!

You know those days, weekends or weeks that just go WELL? You want to pinch yourself because things are just falling into place, everyone's getting along in your life, and you are practicing your daily gratitude like a pro? Well, I was definitely having one of those weekends. 

My family and I packed up the car and drove to Colorado Springs so I could run my third 5k of the Summer (they're kind of my thing now). We decided to stay at a fancy hotel and make a weekend out of it. We visited their Zoo so my 3-yr-old could feed the giraffes and ate at all the wonderful hole-in-the-wall restaurants they have tucked away around the city. 

I thought it would be impossible, but I was able to stick to my Food Intolerance Eating Plan the entire time we were there! The key is to schmooze the waiter or waitress before ordering so they can help you (instead of roll their eyes) when it comes time to order and make substitutions or eliminate potentially toxic ingredients from you meal. You can click here to learn more about how to get yourself tested for food intolerances.

On our last day, we made a stop at Garden of the Gods National Park and did a quick hike. What an amazing place to take your toddler- there are bright red rocks jutting out at every angle and are perfect for exploring and climbing! My son was in Heaven!

We drove back to Denver and slid onto our couch just in time for the final World Cup Soccer Game. 

It was just one of those weekends!   


In my own driveway, the window was smashed out and someone crawled in and took my valuables while my family and I were all fast asleep. It felt like such a yucky violation. My driver's license, 4 credit cards, my iPod, and a spare key to my car were taken. But worst of all- my sense of security was majorly shaken.

I took care of the situation the way anyone else would, filing reports, closing credit cards, making appointments to get locks changed, etc.

The whole day, all I wanted to do was order takeout and sit on the couch and wallow in the sad thought that I will never get all those baby pictures I have of my son back that were stored on my iPod. And, three years ago, I probably would have done just that. I would've announced to my hubby that I am "emotionally eating tonight", and that was his cue to keep his trap shut while I gorged myself with crappy foods for the next 8 hours. Funny, I never ever felt better after my binges.

This time was different. The thought crossed my mind several times throughout the day. Particularly when I was filling out police reports and doing tedious jobs that I didn't want to be doing. I would think "screw this- I deserve fast food since I'm stuck at this computer and phone all day.

Then, I would think again.

I would think about the amount of time it takes me to 'recover' from the foods that I'm intolerant to after I ingest them, and almost immediately, I stop thinking about ordering. My symptoms show themselves in the form of fatigue, mood swings (major), tummy bloat, weight gain, and sometimes diarrhea (sorry about the TMI).

Then I think about how great I feel now, how happy, how my stomach feels perfectly fine after eating, how my mood is at an even keel all the time (even with the break-in, I remained clam and collected which is not my typical track record).

So, this test has been a blessing for me and my clients in that it provides an eating plan specifically for your individual body. No two eating plans are the same since it's tailored to your genetics!

You simply can't find an eating plan like that anywhere else! And, this is why I've had such a great success rate with clients staying on the plan, because they know exactly what they need to eat to stay healthy & happy and what they need to stay away from to avoid digestion doom & gloom.

Car break-in or not!

So, while I am still going to be dealing with this pain-in-the-butt situation, I know what foods are going to nourish my body & brain to keep me functioning at an optimal level throughout this process. I know, as long as I stick to my personal eating plan, there's not going be some unexplained mood swing or brain fog when I'm already dealing with enough chaos! 

Anyhoo, I wish you a very happy week & may you have an amazing weekend like I did (sans the car break-in).
Have a Happy & Healthy Day!
Coach Maureen

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