Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A CLEAN Recipe for Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte

Ready to cleanse for Fall? Grab your FREE 7-Day Cleanse here!

Even though it's still only August, the Colorado air is becoming as crisp as the apples falling off the trees by the bucket full. Fall is definitely in the air! I get a tiny bit giddy when I see the slightest hints of Autumn because it is my absolute favorite season! I feel the anticipation of the coming holidays, enjoy trading out my Summer shorts for my Fall jeans and long sleeves. But, most of all, I love driving down streets filled with tall trees and relishing the vibrant, yet mellow colors of the season. And what better way to view the colors than with a nice hot beverage in your cup that actually TASTES like fall?

I haven't gone a single Autumn without a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks for the last 7 years. Until I learned what toxic chemicals go into making them- boy was that a freakin' bummer!! Ingredients like GMO milk, petroleum, dyes, ammonia, high levels of sugar, and preservatives.


That's too CRAZY to ignore and I for one, was so crushed to learn this about my favorite Fall bev- just before the season started too! So, after having a quick pouting sesh, I decided to put on my big girl panties and make my own Pumpkin Spice Latte. And you know what? It turned out fab! And it costs the same amount to make 4 Lattes at home as it does to purchase ONE Grande Latte at S-Bucks.

So here you are Loves- make this version and save money, time & years on your life. Cheers to that!
(Scroll to the bottom for the recipe link)

Happy Fall!
Coach Maureen
Click Here for my CLEAN PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE Recipe!

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